Weapons policies at Miryokucon are for your (and others') safety, and include (but are not limited to) the following.  This policy is subject to change at anytime.

Non-Permitted Weapons

  • NO METAL WEAPONS will be permitted on the premises of the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards, without exception. This is defined as:
    • Swords, spears, bayonets, and knives (regardless of whether they are sheathed)
    • Star knives and shuriken
    • Metal gun/firearm props (regardless of functionality)
    • Other components (metal or non-metal) of costumes or props which may be sharp, capable of taking an edge, or are otherwise potentially a safety risk, are subject to approval by Miryokucon Staff
      • The ONLY exception to this rule is that metal armor (chain, scale, plate) is now permitted, pending it contains no sharp edges. All armor is subject to inspection at-con to ensure it is not sharp or otherwise pose a safety risk/hazard.
  • NO PROJECTILE WEAPONS OF ANY KIND will be permitted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Real or antique firearms (to include replica or “demilled”)
  • Air rifle, air gun, air pistol, B-B gun, spring gun, blowgun, bowgun, bean shooter, sling, projectile, dart
  • Airsoft (or similar type) guns, regardless of whether functional or not, are strictly prohibited. A non-functional Airsoft gun with no moving parts is still an Airsoft gun
  • Stun guns and Tasers
    • The ONLY exceptions to this rule are: nonfunctional nerf and water guns (that cannot fire and contain no projectiles/liquid). Functional versions of these will be immediately removed from the convention space
  • NO COMPOUND BOWS are permitted within the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards
  • Additionally, authentic arrows (tipped or non-tipped), including crossbow bolts and other projectiles, will not be permitted
  • NO "PADDLES" of any sort will be permitted at the convention.  This includes, but is not limited to, Yaoi/Yuri Paddles.
  • NO NUNCHAKU of any kind will be permitted.  Nunchaku are defined as two sticks or other body connected at their ends with a short chain or rope. Two sticks can be made of any material, or shape.
  • NO EXPLOSIVES OR CHEMICALS of any kind including, but not limited to:
    • Smoke powder
    • Sparklers or fireworks of any kind.

Finally, if it is illegal in the limits of the City of Baltimore or the State of Maryland, it is illegal inside the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards.

Illegal weapons will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Permitted Prop Weapons

  • Staves, bo sticks, boken, shinai, and wooden swords will be permitted as long as they are handled responsibly and meet all other criteria
  • Resin cast or solid rubber model guns (such as red/blue training weapons) that are easily identifiable as toys/props, or are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip
  • Fake, prop, or made-up weapons (i.e. made of tissue paper, plaster of Paris, cloth) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to others around you
  • Examples of dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to, items that may trip others, items that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and hallways
  • Prop weapons shall be limited to less than six feet six inches (6'6") in height and less than fifty pounds (50lbs) in weight
  • Any chain must be less than three feet (3') in length regardless of material. This includes, but is not limited to, chain wallets and non-costume chains
  • Bows may be carried in the convention space, provided they are not strung with authentic bowstring, and any alternative material used (e.g. twine, yarn, any other non-functioning material) is not attached to the bow in a taut (tight) fashion.
  • All bows must comply with all other general policies - no live steel or sharp edges, and not more than 6'6" in height. Prop or toy arrows clearly marked as such are allowed. If our staff feels your bow or materials do not meet all of these criteria, you'll be asked to remove the prop immediately from the convention space.

Behavior with Weapons/Armor/Props

  • Misuse of a weapon, armor, or prop (such as swinging it in a public area or posing a hazard to others, as determined by staff) will result in the weapon or prop being deemed unsafe for the convention, and you will be asked to remove the item from the convention
  • All edged or other non-permitted weapons purchased in the dealer's room must be immediately removed from the convention space after purchase (for example, to your vehicle or your hotel room)
  • All props and weapons brought into the convention will be inspected for policy compliance by authorized Miryokucon staff and/or Baltimore Police, including those that may have had prior approval (other conventions, previous conventions, or pre-convention approval by Miryokucon staff)
  • Any item that poses a potential safety hazard may need to be removed from the convention.  This includes any costume, prop, or accessory that obstructs doors or hallways, or otherwise poses any kind of danger to other attendees, staff, or convention property.  When in doubt, check with Miryokucon staff.
  • Wheeled vehicles, carts, props, shoes & skates are not permitted inside the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards. The only exception is for wheelchairs and other ADA compliant mobility devices.
  • The use of drones and RC aircraft are not permitted inside the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards.

Remember: Just because a staffer has not stopped you to check your item does not mean that the item is allowed. All decisions made by Miryokucon and/or the Public Safety Staff of the Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards are final.